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Our Jubilee Family Funday

4th June 2022

We collaborated with The Somerville TRA and the Barnes Wallis Community Centre to put on this successful event, which was funded by the Lewisham Tenants Fund. With less than 2 weeks to organise we took on the challenge and delivered.


Our mission was to provide the community with opportunities that focus on experiential learning. All activities on the day were chosen with our mission in mind.

Confirmed activities: 
Jumbo Games, Skipping, hula hoops, Rubiks Cubes, Bouncy castle, Taekwondo Demonstration, Zumba, RC rock crawling & Facepainting.

Blue Red Illustration Jubilee Street Fair Poster.png



People from the community

Attended our family fun day


collaborators or companies

worked with us to make this event a success.


 people we asked 

said this was the best family Funday of the area in years, and wondered when we would do the next one.

Thank you

A special shout out to the Companies that worker with us to make this day a special day.

katy Paints Faces, Kayjayzin, Hevifooted Uk, TFG Bouncycastles, E W TaeKwonDo, Honey Pot Food Shop & Wonda Cakes

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